Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Rachel, Davi, Karoline Mortensen, Meghan Cohen, Bonnie Braun, Ginelle Jurlano, Joanne Perodin

  •  Thank you to all those we were able to attend! It was an extremely productive meeting.
  • Unfortunately we had a few technical difficulties with the conference phone, and I do apologize to those of you who attempted to call in but were unable to attend the meeting. We will have this worked out for the next meeting.

i.                    Nominations update
a.       Nominations received to date
                                                              i.      Letters requesting the nomination of two individuals (graduate student, faculty, alumni, or some combination of these categories) were sent on Jan. 13, 2012 to the chairs and graduate coordinators/directors of each of the six units in SPH.
                                                            ii.      As of 1/31/12, we have received nominations for new inductees from Family Science, Behavior and Community Health, and Kinesiology.
                                                          iii.      Each unit was given a deadline of 2/20/12 for submitting the names of two nominees.
b.      Scheduling nomination review meeting (end of February)
                                                              i.      I will send out a Doodle to schedule a meeting to review the nominations received after the Feb. 20 deadline.
                                                            ii.      We will need to review the nominations to make sure they meet the requirements set out by the National Chapter.

ii.                  Induction ceremony update from Davi
**Lifetime dues to the National Chapter of Delta Omega cost $40. Once you pay the $40 you never need to pay a fee to the National Chapter again. There is no option for a yearly due.
***Our chapter currently has $0 for funding.
a.       Davi attended the SPH Alumni Association meeting on Dec. 19 to request money to cover induction fees for all new nominees ($480) and money for mugs and stoles ($270).
                                                              i.      The Alumni Association is still considering making a donation.
                                                            ii.      Ginelle let us know that there will be another Alumni Association meeting on Wednesday, Feb.8 that Davi and Rachel will attend.
b.      We discussed having the chapter only pay for graduate student inductee dues, asking faculty and alumni to pay for their own lifetime induction fees, and asking each current Gamma Zeta member to contribute $20 towards induction dues, mugs, and reception.
c.       It was suggested to ask the SPH Alumni Association about paying only for the lifetime membership fees for alumni being inducted.
                                                              i.      Ginelle asked that we prepare options for donations for the Alumni association with specific amounts requested.
1.      Ex. 1) Alumni Association pays $750 for induction fees, mugs, and stoles of all 12 inductees; 2) Alumni Association pays $270 for mugs and stoles for all 12 inductees; 3) Alumni Association pays $480 for lifetime induction fees for all 12 inductees; 4) Alumni Association pays $TBD for lifetime membership fees and mugs for only alumni inductees….etc.
**If you would like to help Rachel put these options together, please email her at
                                                            ii.      Joanne suggested we ask the heads of each unit to pay the lifetime induction fee for all of their nominees ($80). The deadline for the department’s letting us know will be February 20, 2012.
1.      Bonnie Braun will ask Family Science
2.      Karoline Mortensen will ask HSA
3.      Rachel will ask MIAEH
4.      Davi will ask KNES

**If anyone from EPIB or BCH can email the chair of their department to ask about paying $80 for the induction fees for their department’s nominees, please email me at to let me know!

                                                          iii.      We are going to ask for a meeting with the Dean to request funding for our own induction ceremony (Estimated cost for mugs and refreshments ~$225)
1.      Rachel, Davi, Karoline, and Meghan are going to meet with the Dean.
**If you would like to come to the meeting with the Dean (Time and date TBD), please email me at to let me know and I will include you in the plans.
2.      We will put together a list of options and budget for the Dean to review.
a.      **If you would like to help Rachel do this, please email me at

iii.                Vote on Chapter dues
a.       Rachel spoke with the National Chapter of Delta Omega, and chapters are not required to collect annual fees. Some chapters do, some don’t, it is up to the chapter to decide.
b.      This issue will be tabled until we hear back from the Alumni Association, Unit heads, and the Dean.

iv.                2012 Delta Omega’s 15th Annual Student Poster Session:
                                                              i.      Submission deadline is April 20.
                                                            ii.      Chapters may nominate no more than three abstracts for this competition.
                                                          iii.      All applicants (or their chapters) must submit their own abstracts and information through the APHA portal, which opens March 26
                                                          iv.      Bonnie Braun offered to help review, but suggested we determine if there is interest among students.
                                                            v.      Rachel is going to send an email to the SPH listserv to gauge interest among students.
1.      I will send out an email in the next few weeks with an update about interest.

v.                  2012 Day of Service:
a.       Delta Omega Day of Service will take place during National Public Health Week (April 2-8, 2012)
b.      Theme: "A Healthier America Begins Today!"
c.       Chapters may select any day during NPHW to hold their Day of Service activities.
d.      Service activity discussion
                                                              i.      Meghan Cohen had spoken with the lead at Eppley about taking part in the stuffed animal drive as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
1.      We would have a kickoff day for the collection during NPHW and collect donations during the entire month.
2.      Meghan and Rachel will meet with the contact at Eppley and talk about how we could collaborate with their collection efforts.
                                                            ii.      Natasha emailed that she is looking into the possibility of doing a toiletry drive or silent auction.
1.      She will keep us updated.
                                                          iii.      Karoline suggested doing an activity with the Public Health Garden.
1.      Rachel will look into collaborating with them.
** If you would like to be involved in helping organize either of the service activities, please email Rachel at

vi.                Public Health Grand Rounds Volunteers
a.       Feb. 15: Current List of Volunteers is below
**If you would like to volunteer for the Public Health Grand Rounds as part of your service through Delta Omega, please email Rachel at
**I had received very little response about this, so at least one volunteer slot is currently being filled by someone outside of Delta Omega.
Time of Shift
Name of Volunteer

1:15-2:15pm directing from SPH to Eppley Rec Center
1) Meghan Cohen

1:30-2:30pm check in at entry table/food set up (2 volunteers)
1) Natasha Brown
2) Karoline Mortenson

2:30-3:30pm check in at entry table/clean-up (2 volunteers)
1) Rachel Goldstein
2) Davi Mazala

3:30-4:30pm check in/clean-up (2 volunteers)
1) Rachel Goldstein
2) Rebecca Rehr

                                                              i.      The other component of the Feb. 15 Public Health Grand Rounds is an informal discussion between Dr. Benjamin and public health graduate students. An email was sent to the graduate student listserv requesting students sign up on a Googledoc to attend this discussion because of limited space (max. 20 students). Only 3 students have signed up so far.
                                                            ii.      Rachel will be emailing a blurb for people to send out to their graduate students. Please promote this event!
b.      April 3 (Tuesday) - Rear Admiral Penny Slade Sawyer from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
                                                              i.      Dr. Quinn asked if Delta Omega would like to co-sponsor this event.
                                                            ii.      Those in attendance at the meeting thought we should co-sponsor this Grand Rounds.
**This will require volunteering for set-up, check-in, and clean-up.

**Please email me at if you would like to help with the logistics of the April 3 Public Health Grand Rounds.

December 6, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Thank you to those who attended this energetic and productive meeting!

I.               Introductions: Meeting was attended by Rachel Rosenberg Goldstein, Davi Mazala, James Butler, Meghan Cohen, Natasha Brown, and Sandra Crouse Quinn.
II.             New member nominations
a.     Each unit will be asked to nominate 2 people by February. This can be any combination of graduating students, alumni, or faculty.
                                               i.     Rachel will send notices to each chair giving instructions on rules for nominations and copy the graduate coordinator for that unit.
                                             ii.     The unit will provide a paragraph with each inductee’s information.
                                            iii.     We will hold a Gamma Zeta chapter meeting after the nomination deadline to review the nominations and make sure that the number of graduating students, alumni, and faculty nominated are in line with the requirements set out by the National Chapter.
b.     Discussion: Do we want to charge chapter dues?
                                               i.     $40 lifetime due to National Chapter. This is a one time fee.
                                             ii.     We felt that charging members $15 per year as dues would be a good idea. This amount would not be charged the year a member is inducted.
                                            iii.     A question was raised about Delta Omega members who were inducted at other universities but are now affiliated with UMD and where they should pay dues. The National Chapter said it is up to us to decide how we handle this. We should discuss this further at the next meeting.
                                            iv.     We thought it would be nice for the chapter to pay the $40 lifetime due to National Chapter for new inductees. With $34 for stoles and $10 for mugs this type of gift will get expensive, so we need to start thinking about fundraising.
1.     Chapter dues could help pay for this lifetime due.
2.     Davi is going to attend the December 19 SPH Alumni meeting and ask the group if they would be willing to provide gifts of dues and/or mugs and stoles to Gamma Zeta inductees this year. He will report back at the next meeting.
3.     Natasha brought up the idea of a Silent Auction to raise funds. She is going to look into this as a possibility for the Gamma Zeta chapter.
4.     Davi is also going to look into additional fundraising options, such as selling snacks in the SPH building.
III.           Induction ceremony
a.     James Butler and Davi will be co-leads on organizing the details of the induction ceremony.
b.     We are working with Ginelle on the possibility of combining the induction ceremony with the SPH awards dinner in the spring.
                                               i.     Davi will report back on this at the next meeting.
                                             ii.     We will request reserved tables for Delta Omega members at the dinner ceremony.
                                            iii.     Bios on inductees will be included in the awards handout.
c.     We are going to use the awards dinner as an opportunity to start a yearly service event for Delta Omega (thank you to Sharon Simson for this idea!).
                                               i.     Meghan Cohen is going to look into combining our service event with April Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities.
1.     We may be able to have a stuff animal and cell phone drive for sexual assault victims.
2.     She will report back on this at the next meeting.
                                             ii.     Natasha also suggested that we collect toiletries for donations.
                                            iii.     We will discuss our service activity further at the next meeting.
IV.           Additional Gamma Zeta Chapter activities
a.     Delta Omega bulletin board space in main lobby.
                                               i.     We now have Delta Omega bulletin board space in the main lobby directly adjacent to the student lounge. This will be a place where we can post announcements for service activities, lists of inductees, and other chapter information.
                                             ii.     Meghan and Rachel will be decorating the board in January.
1.     If you are interested in helping decorate the board, please email Rachel at:
b.     I have put together a Delta Omega Gamma Zeta Chapter web site. The site is:
                                               i.     We can decide as a group how we want to use this blog. I will add all of you as contributors, so you can post to the blog soon! Please check it out!
c.     Delta Omega will be co-sponsoring Public Health Grand Rounds on February 15, 2012. Please put this on your calendars!
                                               i.     Speaker: Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association
                                             ii.     Sandra Crouse Quinn is organizing this event and will work with Rachel on further details for Delta Omega.
                                            iii.     We will need about 10 volunteers for set-up, greeting, and other tasks. I will send an email out with additional information as the event draws nearer.
                                            iv.     Sandra let us know about another possible co-sponsor opportunity June 18 with the Public Health Commissioned Corp when they hold their conference on campus. We will let you know more details and ways you can be involved next semester.
V.             Next meeting – will be held in late January.
a.     I will be sending out a doodle to determine the best times for everyone in mid-January
VI.           Other – if you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to send them to me at